“Rise & Grind” this is what I tell myself every day. When you have fibromyalgia, you never know what your day will bring…So I make the most of every day that I’m healthy. And I put on a mask on the days that I’m not. This picture represents the day that I don’t want people to see- the day where I don’t work out, see only a few clients, basically just lay around being covered in animals all day. I tell everyone that rest is an important part of their journey but can’t seem to make myself believe it when it comes to ME. So to everyone out there struggling, please know you’re not alone! And when people look like they have it all together, they’re living a perfect healthy lifestyle, please remember that the Instagram lives we portray are not all there is to the story. #fibromyalgia #fibrowarrior #downday #itsalwayssomething #countingmyspoons #spoonie #chronicpain #chronicfatigue #scoliosis #rest #behindthescenes #themaskswewear #instagramperfect #reallife #tomorrowwillbebetter #stillblessed