Happy Meal Prep Monday! I show a lot of pictures of the ‘after,’ but never show you what the ‘during’ looks like! My small kitchen gets completely overrun, there’s 432 projects going at once, the trash looks a lot like the treasure, and it’s complete insanity for three+ hours. But eventually, those hours of insanity save my sanity all week. The counter is clean, the veggies are prepped, the meals are made, that nasty stuff in the blender became healthy brownies…and I’m a happy, healthy mama!! #MealPrepMonday #MealPrep #AndOunceofPrevention #ThisIsWhatCrazyLooksLike #ItAllTurnsOutGreat #WeGotItDone #HealthyBrownies #HealthyMeals #HealthySnacks #HealthyMama #HealthyKids #FitFamily #TheFamilyThatMealPrepsTogether #warriorwellness