I got the privilege and pleasure to work with two absolute rockstars this morning ? If you live in Liberty Hill, you’ve probably seen Ms. Cindy running. For years my family has cheered for her as we pass her, my son even lovingly nicknamed her Lady Run Run when he was six years old. Today …
From Warrior Wellness on Instagram
Told my students to smile for the camera…aren’t they pretty?! ??? #aerialyoga #aerialyogalove #aerialyogaclass #savasana #bestsavasanaever #finalrelaxation #warriorwellness #libertyhill #libertyhilltx See the original post
From Warrior Wellness on Instagram
Happy Friday!! I’m finally feeling a tiny bit better (stupid Epstein–Barr ?) and thats only ONE of the blessings of today! Got to play in the silk a bit this morning and got these two awesome texts from clients. I’m so grateful I can help people feel better, even when I’m not feeling great. God …
From Warrior Wellness on Instagram
I love using the aerial silk to help me reach my goal of forward splits! Getting closer, gotta clean up that form! #Yoga #AerialYoga #AerialSilks #ForwardSplits #Splits #Goals #YogaGoals #AerialYogaGoals #KeepWorking #AlmostThere See the original post
From Warrior Wellness on Instagram
Don’t forget to sign up for yoga this week! Three more opportunities to practice with me! Wednesday 6:15 AM Aerial, Wednesday 5:45 PM hatha, Friday 9:00 AM hatha. Download Schedulicity, search Warrior Wellness, and book your classes today! #Yoga #hathayoga #aerialyoga #gentleyoga #yogaforeverybody #yogainstructor #LibertyHillTexas #LibertyHill See the original post
From Warrior Wellness on Instagram
If this doesn’t sum up being a working mom ? Just trying to get some pics for y’all of the awesome aerial yoga tank my husband got me and suddenly there’s a hooded photo bomber ??? #ilovethatkid #thatsmyboy #photobomber #workathomemom #aerial #aerialyoga #aerialsilks #aerialyogateacher #upsidedown #inversion #thissideup #myhusbandknowsmewell See the original post
From Warrior Wellness on Instagram
So beautiful ? I love Yin Aerial Yoga because “good form” is all about what feels best to your body, and what your body really needs. This picture is a great example…If I were to turn my lower foot in that direction, I would get no stretch; when she straightens her foot, she gets no …
From Warrior Wellness on Instagram
I know y’all will be *shocked* by this but I LOVE MY CLIENTS!! ? These two came in for yoga and got surprised with an Aerial Yin Yoga class-and were totally game. They pushed into their boundaries for a very different style of practice and rocked it!! They even tried a challenge pose (with some …
From Warrior Wellness on Instagram
You know I’m in my happy place when I’m studying the body ? So excited to get my Aerial Restorative Yin yoga certification! As I learn about the benefits to our soft tissue, specifically fascia, I get more excited to offer this to my clients. Be on the lookout for Yin Aerial Yoga at the …
From Warrior Wellness on Instagram
It’s the privilege of working with women like this one that make me LOVE my job! She is so strong, mentally and physically, and I love watching her learn and grow ❤️ can’t wait to watch her nail the flip we’re working on!! #amazingclients #strongwomen #heart #courage #fitmom #strongmom #ilovemyjob #aerialyogainstructor #personaltrainer #aerialyoga #aerial #yoga …