Happy Meal Prep Monday! Cooler temps mean two crockpots going…One with homemade applesauce, and one with chili! Can’t wait to enjoy these yummies ? #mealprepmonday #mealprep #chilitime #applesauce #crockpotmeals #coolertemps #warriorwellness See the original post
From Warrior Wellness on Instagram
Happy Meal Prep Monday! One of the things my clients hear me say a lot is, “find what works and work it!” The eggroll in a bowl worked so well last week, I’m eating it again! Whether it’s recipes, kitchen tools, finding the best day to meal prep, or finding the best way to transport …
From Warrior Wellness on Instagram
Happy Meal prep Monday! Made sandwiches and snacks for my boy, chicken taco bowls for the hubby, and egg roll bowls on fried rice for myself. Can’t wait to try the egg roll bowl, it looks so yummy! I’m also super excited because it came from some clients that have turned into meal prepping rock …
From Warrior Wellness on Instagram
Happy Meal Prep Monday! Recently, in a talk that I was giving about meal prepping, I advised to always start in a clean kitchen. Today, I broke that cardinal rule, because my darling teenage son failed to get the dishes done yesterday and parenting trumped convenience. Another tip I gave in my talk was to …
From Warrior Wellness on Instagram
Happy Meal Prep Monday! One of my best tips is to use good tools…even if you think you’re not a good enough chef to have them ? For years I worked with crummy knives because I didn’t understand how much easier a good knife makes things. So go ahead, splurge on the tools to get …
From Warrior Wellness on Instagram
Happy Meal Prep Monday!! Needed to do a little more prepping and portioning than normal this week, so I had to make a list. Time management is super important when prepping (especially when you get a call right in the middle to pick up a sick kiddo?) and a list is a good way to …
From Warrior Wellness on Instagram
Happy Meal Prep Monday! Honestly, I was not feeling it today ? sometimes we just have those days…Where we just don’t want to invest the time that healthy choices are going to take. For me, this is where habit comes in. I’ve meal prepped so often and for so long, it’s just become a habit …
From Warrior Wellness on Instagram
Happy meal prep Monday! An upside of our son growing up a bit is that his taste buds are matching is dad’s…I was able to make the same lunches for both of them this week! Rice, beans, onions and peppers, chicken, served with greens, pico, and a little bit of lime. I have to admit, …