?Namaste Witches and Happy Halloween!! ?Don’t forget your portion control today ???? #happyhalloween #namastewitches #halloweenyoga #yoga #aerialyoga #ilovecandy #portioncontrol #lettheholidaybegin See the original post
From Warrior Wellness on Instagram
Happy Meal Prep Monday! One of my favorite parts about Halloween is the pumpkin seeds!! Had to add them as a snack on my meal plan this week, and then portion them so I don’t eat them ALLLL ???♀️ #ilovepumpkinseeds #portioncontrol #idontshare #happyhalloween #mealprepmonday #fallsnacks #healthysnack See the original post
From Warrior Wellness on Instagram
Happy Meal Prep Monday!! Needed to do a little more prepping and portioning than normal this week, so I had to make a list. Time management is super important when prepping (especially when you get a call right in the middle to pick up a sick kiddo?) and a list is a good way to …