This picture makes my day ? It may look like any other downward dog but it’s not…this downward dog has been worked for! We’ve stretched, mobilized, strengthened, breathed, and brought so much intention to this pose. This client has put full effort into his mobility and health and is reaping the rewards! Super proud trainer …
From Warrior Wellness on Instagram
Love working with the yoga brothers ???♂️ They’re always open to new ideas, poses and challenges-like today’s Plow Pose. Can’t wait to see how they progress!! #yoga #yogagoals #yogachallenge #plowpose #progress #challenge #practice #yogaguys #yogabrothers #bestwaytostarttheday #warriorwellness See the original post
From Warrior Wellness on Instagram
Loooovvee getting these kinds of texts from clients!! Not only is he super sore, but he identified the exact muscles ? #knowledgeispower #soremuscles #anatomy #fitness #progress #crushinggoals #success #upperbodyworkout #ihavethebestclients #warriorwellness See the original post