Would you believe me if I told you that reading these articles is one of my favorite parts of my job?! I love learning new things to serve my clients better!! #continuingeducation #anythingformyclients #geriatrics #geriatricwellness #seniorfitness #seniorwellness #osteoporosis #osteopenia #bonedensity #vibrationtraining #warriorwellness See the original post
From Warrior Wellness on Instagram
As we come into the new year, let’s all focus on making REAL goals, NOT resolutions! Clients, don’t forget to bring in all that you’ve been working on these last weeks so we can finalize them and get you set up to track your daily habits! #dreams #goals #plans #habits #noresloutions #work #workhard #grow #newyear …
From Warrior Wellness on Instagram
So beautiful ? I love Yin Aerial Yoga because “good form” is all about what feels best to your body, and what your body really needs. This picture is a great example…If I were to turn my lower foot in that direction, I would get no stretch; when she straightens her foot, she gets no …
From Warrior Wellness on Instagram
Happy Meal Prep Monday! It’s another prep day in the books for me, and it’s such a good feeling to know my family will be eating healthy all week! Today I’m thankful for Meal Prep containers (seems silly but they’re a lifesaver y’all!) and I’m super excited to try the mango pico from H-E-B that …
From Warrior Wellness on Instagram
You know I’m in my happy place when I’m studying the body ? So excited to get my Aerial Restorative Yin yoga certification! As I learn about the benefits to our soft tissue, specifically fascia, I get more excited to offer this to my clients. Be on the lookout for Yin Aerial Yoga at the …
From Warrior Wellness on Instagram
Happy Meal Prep Monday! One of the biggest bonuses of my job is that I’m exposed to amazing people, with amazing ideas, on a regular basis. My clients share all of the tips and tricks they’re learning, along with their favorite recipes and meal prepping hacks. I’m so blessed to have such a cool tribe …
From Warrior Wellness on Instagram
Happy Meal Prep Monday! After a week of kidney stones, a seizure, and a cold, I’m just not up for my usual prepping. This week, the boy will buy lunch and we will be having salads from a bag. BUT I made sure to get our veggies done so we can at least have a …
From Warrior Wellness on Instagram
Last day to turn in your @operationchristmaschild boxes!! Hill Country Bible Church Leander is collecting until 11am today. BIG thank you to each of my clients that participated-I was a little behind in starting Boxes or Burpees this year but it didn’t matter-y’all came through in mighty ways!! #soproud #ihavethebestclients #ipackedashoebox #operationchristmaschild #warriorwellness See the …
From Warrior Wellness on Instagram
Don’t forget to turn your boxes in! Tomorrow is the last day I’ll be accepting boxes at the Warrior Wellness Studio, after that feel free to bring your box to any of the local collection centers, including Hill Country Bible Church Leander! Thank you to all who are participating, you are such a blessing to …
From Warrior Wellness on Instagram
It’s the privilege of working with women like this one that make me LOVE my job! She is so strong, mentally and physically, and I love watching her learn and grow ❤️ can’t wait to watch her nail the flip we’re working on!! #amazingclients #strongwomen #heart #courage #fitmom #strongmom #ilovemyjob #aerialyogainstructor #personaltrainer #aerialyoga #aerial #yoga …